The Theory of Max. . . haha, I mean. . . MUSIC!


From K-6 we are always learning aspects of music theory in some form or another. Last year we worked really hard on memorizing the names for our lines and spaces. We used some fun rhymes and some great activities to memorize and understand what is happening with these notes, here are some examples:

Treble Clef
Every Good Bear Deserves Fish - These are the notes for the Treble Clef Lines (E,G,B,D,F)
FACE - This is easy to remember, and is the Treble Clef Spaces in the treble clef (F,A,C,E)
*Starting from the bottom line and going up to the space and so on, we have all the notes (E,F,G,A,B,C,D,E,F)

Bass Clef
Good Bears Deserve Fish Always - These are the notes for the Bass Clef Lines (G,B,D,F,A)
All Cats Eat Grass - These are the notes for the Bass Clef Spaces (A,C,E,G)
*Starting from the bottom line and going up to the space and so on, we have all the notes (G,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,A)

Stay tuned for more theory lessons and we will continue building on what we have previously learned. Take care.
